
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Family Health Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family Health Assessment - Research Paper Example Moreover, the family stated that they have not been experiencing any history of diseases like cancer or diabetes. Another issue that the family addressed concerning this function is that none of them engages in drug and substance abuse. The family believed that this is the main reason that they have not been suffering from any chronic diseases. The second function was about nutrition and the data gathered indicated that the family could normally afford to take a balance diet meal on a daily basis. Looking on their faces, they were health and this indicated that it was true on what they were saying. The family also stated that every member addresses the recommendations made by health experts by taking the necessary cups of water on a daily basis. On this issue, they approximated that each member takes between five to seven cups of clean water on a daily basis. Apart from water, the family also recorded taking other forms of fluids like tea and fruit juices. The fluids and water are of significance importance in assisting on normal body functioning and digestion. In respect to sleep/rest, the family indicated that it had problems in achieving the recommendable sleep/rest pattern. The parents stated they sleep for about four to five hours. This is because they spend most of their times trying to meet daily needs. The children also stated they sleep between six to seven hours as they spend most of their time working on school assignments. It was evident that the family lacks enough time rest. This has resulted to some members to find difficulties in sleeping at night. On the function of elimination, data gathered indicated that the family members differed on the number of times that they eliminated waste substances from their body. In the family of six members, two of them stated that they eliminated the waste substances two times on a daily basis. The other four indicated that they

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